Poreč (Parenzo) and its shores are the most famous and the most visited tourist regions along the Adriatic, centrally situated in Europe, the closest to the Mediterranean Sea. The city of Poreč is situated on the western coast of Istria, a peninsula which for the most part belongs to the Republic of Croatia. Today, with its surrounding region, it has about 17.000 residents. During the summer it hosts more than 70.000 tourists. The small peninsula, where the heart of the old city lies has been inhabited as far back as 6.000 years ago, after conquering the inhabitants , the Histri, the Romans established their colony called Parentium, on this location.
During its stormy past, Byzants, the Venetian Republic, Napoleon’s France, Austrian-Hungarian monarchy, Italy, Yugoslavia ruled over the city.The old city is a cultural monument all by itself. There is a sacral complex, the Euphrasian with the Basilica from the VI century which stands out. The mosaics that decorate the interior and the forepart of the church fall into a category of the most beautifully preserved works of Byzantium art. Along with the cultural qualities, Poreč is gifted with natural beauty, with flowery, green landscapes. The oak trees and the the winter green reach the very shores of the sea, and along the coast small peninsulas and bays alternate. The sea is clean. The bathing season last from May till October. The tourist complexes are amoung the best equipped and cared for, along the Adriatic.
Poreč’s surrounding region is an agricultural region, where olive oil and wine, are not only higly praised but a way of culture. The Roman Casiodor wrote that the Patricians lived the lives of God’s here. Such beauty of living and relaxation is still present in Poreč. |